Tilicho Lake – Overview and Itinerary

Tilicho Lake is situated in Nepal’s Manang district at a height of 4,919 meters. This lake is formed by the glacier melt from Thorung Peak and Annapurna Mountain’s northern flank. Tilicho Lake, one of the holiest lakes, attracts Hindus from all over the world to take ritual baths. Due to the lake’s remote position in the Annapurna region, the Tilicho Lake Trek is one of the more difficult trekking trips.

The Tilicho Lake Trekking Route connects with the Annapurna Circuit Trekking Route, one of the most well-known trekking routes in the world. You travel down the trails along the Marsayangdi River to the villages of Tal, Dharapani, Chame, Pisang, Manang, Khangsar, and finally to the tranquil Tilicho Lake, which is encircled by desolate hills and gleaming snow-capped peaks.

Short Itinerary of Tilicho Lake

Day 1Drive from Kathmandu to Besisahar to Chame, ManangDrive 10 hours
Day 2Trek from Chame to Manang9 Hours
Day 3Trek from Manang to Tilicho Base Camp8 Hours
Day 4Hike to Tilicho Lake and back to Shree Kharka6-7 Hours
Day 5Trek to Manang and Rest4 Hours
Day 6Trek to Chame and Drive to Besisahar6 Hours
Day 7Drive Back to Kathmandu6 hours

Detailed Itinerary of Tilicho Lake Trekking

Day 1: Drive from Kathmandu to Besisahar to Chame

You leave Kalanki, Kathmandu, in the early morning on a bus or jeep bound for Besisahar. From Dumre to Besisahar, the drive along the Trishuli river and the banks of the Marsyangdi river are very picturesque. Besisahar is the gateway to Annapurna Circuit trek and the headquarter of Lamjung District. Chame is easily accessible after arriving in Besisahar. Numerous waterfalls are one of the stunning features of the rocky and bumpy path from Besisahar to Chame. On your first day, you spend it in a lodge in Chame.

Day 2: Trek from Chame to Manang

You will cross a scenic route from Chame to Pisang on the first day of your walk, via stunning settlements like Tal. While the tall snow peaks rise above your path, you will stroll through a pine forest that is coolly breezed. After eating lunch, depart for Manang from Pisang. The first day’s journey may be lengthier, but if you get a head start, it is doable to travel from Chame to Manang in one day.

Approximately 500 flat-roofed homes make up the town of Manang. High peaks like Annapurna III and Gangapurna loom over it, and a spectacular icefall is located immediately over the river.

Day 3: Manang to Tilicho Base Camp

Make an early morning start and continue on the Tilicho route. The walk to Khangsar village will take three to four hours, including stops along the way to cross the Khangsar River. With the wind blowing during the day, the journey following Khangsar is somewhat challenging. You will encounter a landslide area after leaving upper Shree Kharka; this is one of the trek’s risks and adventures and takes about 1.5 hours to complete. As you continue along the new trail, you’ll come to a steep crest and descend to a side valley of the main valley on switchbacks carved out of the mountains. A creek runs through it. The Tilicho Base Camp is located on the other side.

Day 4: Hike to Tilicho Lake and back to Shree Kharka

The narrow trail to Tilicho Lake

The ideal time to leave Tilicho Base Camp to the lake is as early as possible in the morning so that you can get to Tilicho Lake as soon as possible and spend a lot of time there with a clear view. It takes about three hours. Tilicho Lake is cold and desolate in the late afternoon. Spend some time at Tilicho Lake  to take pictures and videos of the unique surroundings.

After that, head back to base camp  by using the same route. Take a stroll down the riverfront and over the rocky landslide region to Shree Kharka after lunch, to spend the night.

Day 5: Trek Back to Manang

Return to Manang via the same path by strolling down the riverfront. Before you arrive at Manang village, pause for lunch in Khangsar. The two-hour journey to Milarepa’s cave, which is located across the river from Braga, is an option. Alternatively, you may have a nap, relax, and explore the lovely Manang village.

Day 6: Trek to Chame and Drive to Besisahar

Trek back to Chame village and upon reaching there, board a jeep to get down to Beisahar.

Day 7: Drive Back to Kathmandu

Drive back to Kathmandu with the memories of the challenging but stunning trek you completed.

Highlights of Tilicho Lake Trek

  • Beautiful Tilicho, located at 4919 meters, often claimed to be the highest lake in the world.
  • Experience of Gurung and Tibetan culture, lovely villages with magnificent landscapes and view of the Annapurna range.
  • Drive through the banks of the perennial rivers Trishuli and Marsayngdi with numerous waterfalls on either side of the trail.
  • Entry and familiarity with one of the most popular trekking routes in the world, Annapurna Circuit.

Also See: Annapurna Base Camp Trek

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